Weria-Digital GmbH
Lehargasse 5
3435 Zwentendorf
Phone: +43 (2277) 26014
Registered in the commercial register at the St. Pölten Commercial Register Court under FN 506030 m
UID: ATU74059136
Managing directors: Julia Sandor-Zwingl and Werner Zwingl
The purpose of the company is advertising agency, professional photography and activities for digital media.
The company is subject to the Austrian Trade Regulation Act (GewO). Further information can be found in the federal legal information system at:
Responsible for content and data protection: Julia Sandor-Zwingl, Managing Director.
You can send any complaints by e-mail to
The images used on our website are either our property and therefore may not be used without our consent or have been provided by the manufacturers of the products for use on our website.
We also use links to other sites on the Internet that may be of interest to visitors to our website at the time of inclusion on our website. For these links, we would like to expressly state that we have no influence whatsoever on the further design of these linked pages and that we do not adopt their content as our own.